Somkuwar, KirtiMathai, RobinJose, Panambily2010-02-042010-06-012010-02-042010-06-012009-07Somkuwar Kirti, Mathai Robin, Jose Panambily. Ocular prosthesis: patient rehabilitation : a case report. People’s Journal of Scientific Research. 2009 Jul; (2)2: 21-26. loss of the facial structures can have a physical, social and psychological impact on those affected .Maxillofacial prostheses which restore and replace stomatognathic and associated facial structures with artificial substitutes, aim to improve the patient aesthetics, restore and maintain health of the remaining structures and consequently provide physical and mental well being. Accurate impressions of these tissues facilitate a close adaptation of the custom prosthesis to the tissue bed resulting in better potential for movement by the patient. Treatment of such cases includes implants and acrylic eye prosthesis. Due to economic factors it may not be advisable in all patients. A custom-made ocular prosthesis is a good alternative. A case of a custom-made ocular acrylic prosthesis is presented here, which had acceptable fit, retention and esthetics.enMaxillofacial prosthesisStomatognathicScleral shell prosthesisEye, ArtificialStomatognathic DiseasesScleral DiseasesOcular prosthesis: patient rehabilitation : a case report.Article