Bhasin, Sanjay KumarKumar, VijayKumar, Raj2016-02-112016-02-112014-07Bhasin Sanjay Kumar, Kumar Vijay, Kumar Raj. Giant Ovarian Cyst: A Case Report. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2014 Jul-Sept; 16(3): 131-133. abdominal tumors are extremely common. Now a day they are diagnosed more frequently and much earlier due to availability of better imaging modalities. Presentation of large ovarian cysts has become rare as most of them are diagnosed and treated early. Still we get reports of patients with large/giant benign abdominal cysts and many of them are serous cyst adenoma of ovary. Mucinous cyst adenomas (MCAs) of the ovary are known for their potential to grow to massive proportions and are often incidentally diagnosed. They are typically benign tumors accounting for 15% of ovarian neoplasm's and up to 80% of all mucinous tumors. Sometimes, it becomes very difficult to identify the source of these cysts and are misdiagnosed as mesenteric cyst. Final diagnosis is only possible at laparotomy. Here we report a case of Giant ovarian cysts in an octogenarian female, weighing 27 kgs.enOvarian CystGiantMucinous Cyst AdenomaLaparoscopic ManagementAscitiesGiant Ovarian Cyst: A Case Report.Article