Chakraborty, RudraprosadChatterjee, ArunimaChoudhary, SuprakashChakraborty, Prashanta Kumar2007-09-152009-05-312007-09-152009-05-312007-09-15Chakraborty R, Chatterjee A, Choudhary S, Chakraborty PK. Neuroplasticity--a paradigm shift in neurosciences. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 2007 Sep; 105(9): 513-4, 516-8, 520-1 references.Neuroplasticity is the phenomenon in brain where different stimuli lead to increase or decrease in the number of brain cells and remodelling of synapses. Neuroplasticity research has now established beyond doubt that instead being a static cell mass, our brain is actually a dynamic system of neural network that has the capability of significant growth under favourable circumstances. This obviously opens up new possibilities in treatment of disorders where neural loss or synaptic decay is major factor in molecular aetiopathogeneis. Neuroplasticity research unravels the way stress acts. Similarly it gives new hypothesis regarding depression and epilepsy. Novel therapeutic approaches based on neuroplastic findings are also discussed.engAdaptation, PhysiologicalDepression --physiopathologyEpilepsy --physiopathologyHumansNeuronal Plasticity --physiologyNeurons --physiologyNeurosciencesSynapses --physiologyNeuroplasticity--a paradigm shift in neurosciences.Journal Article