Saini, AArora, SMathur, RKumar, SChoudhary, S.2023-07-142023-07-142021-07Saini A, Arora S, Mathur R, Kumar S, Choudhary S.. Effect Of Photodynamic Therapy In The Management Of Periodontal Disease - A Systematic Review . National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine. 2021 Jul; 12(3): 72-780975-98402230 - 9969 is multifactorial disease which is initiated with plaque formation that will initiate an inflammatory response which can cause destruction of tissues & tooth supporting structure. If left untreated it will cause gingival recession and bone destruction which will lead to tooth mobility. Sometimes it is difficult to eliminate periodontal pathogens completely from deepest areas of periodontal pockets, to overcome these issues photodynamic therapy (PDT) was used as it is local non-invasive treatment modality without any side effects. Aim:The aim of present study was to investigate the effectiveness of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) as an Adjunct To Scaling & Root Planing in the managementOf Periodontal Disease. Material And Methods:Literature was searched systemically and studies were identified based on the-PICO (Glossary of Evidence Based Terms 2007). Electronic database search of Pubmed, Google scholar, Medline and scopus was performed using (MESH) terms-Photodynamictherapy,periodontitis, microbiological assessment. Articles published between year 2009-2019 were reviewed. Patient treated with SRP alone on one side and other side with SRP+ PDT. Recording of Clinical parameters like PPD,CAL,BOP,PS,GR were done from baseline to 3,6 month. Microbiological and biochemical analysis were also evaluated to check level of RANKL/OPG, IL-1?, TNF-?, Aggregatibacter actenomycetocomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tanerella forsythia Conclusion::A large evidence suggest that PDT when used along with SRP resulted in significantimprovement in clinical parameters.Significant improvement in biochemical parameters such as IL-1? , Tnf-? , RANKL/OPG were also seen after periodontal therapy along with PDT when compared with SRP alone.PeriodontitisPhotodynamic TherapyScaling & Root PlanningEffect Of Photodynamic Therapy In The Management Of Periodontal Disease - A Systematic ReviewJournal ArticleIndia3rdYear PGStudentPrincipal & HeadProfessor, Department Of Periodontic, I.T.S Dental College, Hospital And Research Centre, Knowledge Park 3, Greater Noida