Ramcharitar, SteveSerruys, Patrick W2007-03-212009-05-272007-03-212009-05-272007-03-21Ramcharitar S, Serruys PW. Newer stents: looking at the horizon. Indian Heart Journal. 2007 Mar-Apr; 59(2 Suppl B): B59-71http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/526576 references.More challenging and complex lesions are being treated with drug:eluting stents. This review examines advances in some of the commercially available stents together with important new stents under development. These include stents with novel platforms for drug elution, biodegradable, and bioabsorbable polymer/stents and stents dedicated to specific lesions. It also discusses novel pharmacological agents aimed at targeting inflammation and restenosis together with bio-engineered stents and combination drug therapies.engCoated Materials, BiocompatibleCoronary Restenosis --prevention & controlCoronary Stenosis --therapyDrug-Eluting Stents --trendsHumansPaclitaxel --administration & dosagePorosityProsthesis DesignSirolimus --administration & dosageTacrolimus --administration & dosageNewer stents: looking at the horizon.Journal Article