Sreekumard’Lima, AnnelyNesargi, SaudaminiRao, SumanBhat, Swarnarekha2016-01-062016-01-062013-08Sreekumar, d’Lima Annely, Nesargi Saudamini, Rao Suman, Bhat Swarnarekha. Comparison of New Ballards Score and Parkins Score for Gestational Age Estimation. Indian Pediatrics. 2013 August; 50(8): 771-773. prospective analytical study was done to compare the accuracy of New Ballards score (NBS) and Parkins score (PS) in assessing the gestational age (GA) in newborns. The GA of 284 babies was assessed by the NBS and PS within 24 hours of birth. The two methods of assessment were compared using the Bland Altmann Plot. The mean difference between the two measurements was 1.530576. 95% of the values lay within the limits of agreement which are -1.82982 and 4.890974. The two methods are found to be in acceptable agreement. Parkins score enables us to easily assess the gestational age of babies within ±12 days, especially in sick and preterm babies.enNew Ballards scoreGestational ageParkins scoreComparison of New Ballards Score and Parkins Score for Gestational Age Estimation.Article