Parihar, SatishBali, GaganSharma, SanjayKoul, Neeraj2016-02-032016-02-032008-07Parihar Satish, Bali Gagan, Sharma Sanjay, Koul Neeraj. Congenital Lumbar Hernia. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2008 Jul-Sept;10(3): 144-1145 hernia is a rare hernia. It constitutes less than one percent of all abdominal hernias. It can be congenital or acquired. Acquired can occur either spontaneously or after surgery or trauma. Only 300 cases of lumbar hernia are reported till date. We report a case of congenital lumbar hernia in one month old male baby.enHerniaCongenitalLumbarCongenital Lumbar Hernia.Article