Tuteja, NNatu, S MGupta, A KKapoor, A KMehrotra, R MKumar, A1983-07-012009-05-271983-07-012009-05-271983-07-01Tuteja N, Natu SM, Gupta AK, Kapoor AK, Mehrotra RM, Kumar A. Inhibition of T-cell dependent humoral & cell-mediated immune responses by sera of Hodgkin's disease patients. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 1983 Jul; 78 Suppl(): 81-7http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/21390engAdolescentAdultAntibody FormationChildFemaleHodgkin Disease --immunologyHumansImmunity, CellularMaleMiddle AgedT-Lymphocytes --immunologyInhibition of T-cell dependent humoral & cell-mediated immune responses by sera of Hodgkin's disease patients.Journal Article