Merhi, Bassem AbouHamze, ShadiZiade, FouadRajab, Mariam2017-01-032017-01-032015Merhi Bassem Abou, Hamze Shadi, Ziade Fouad, Mariam Rajab. Allergic Rhinitis in Children with Asthma: A Questionnaire Based Study in Lebanon. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. 2015; 9(8):1-6.2231-0614 Allergic rhinitis and asthma frequently coexist but has rarely been evaluated in Lebanese children. Aim: This prospective study aimed to estimate the prevalence of allergic rhinitis in asthmatic children in Lebanon, and to ascertain whether allergic rhinitis is a risk factor for the severity of asthma. Patients and Methods: Parents of 124 children aged 1-13 years admitted to the pediatric floor of the Makassed General Hospital between July 2008 and March 2009 and diagnosed as having asthma; parents were interviewed and followed up with a questionnaire concerning allergic rhinitis symptoms and signs with para-clinical data if available. The questionnaire was based on a study done in France by Hammouda et al. (2005). This was modified from an adult score for allergic rhinitis (SFAR). Results: This well recognized score defines the association of allergic rhinitis and asthma in children. A score of ³ 9 out of 17 total score corresponds to the presence of allergic rhinitis in asthmatic children. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis was recognized in 67 patients out of 124 (54%). This prevalence was evident mainly in the age group 3-5 years. Conclusion: Allergic rhinitis is prevalent in children of the Lebanese population, the severity of asthma was found to be clearly associated with allergic rhinitis. The SFAR modified for children was found to be a simple and reliable tool to detect allergic rhinitis in asthmatic children.enAllergic rhinitisscore for allergic rhinitis (SFAR)Makassed General Hospital (MGH)allergic rhinitis and impact on asthma (ARIA)global initiative for asthma (GINA)Allergic Rhinitis in Children with Asthma: A Questionnaire Based Study in Lebanon.Article