Bhattacharjee, SwapnaBhattacharjee, ShekharMontasir, Ahmed Al2016-02-132016-02-132012-01Bhattacharjee Swapna, Bhattacharjee Shekhar, Montasir Ahmed Al. Cat Scratch Disease. Journal of Enam Medical College. 2012 Jan; 2(1): 40-42.2227-66882304-9316 report a case of cat scratch disease in a young boy who presented in the outpatient department of Enam Medical College Hospital, Savar, Dhaka with history of cat scratch and regional painful lymphadenopathy. The diagnosis was made on the basis of history, physical examination and common investigations including lymph node aspiration cytology.enCat scratchLymphadenopathyCat Scratch Disease.Article