Sack, R Bradley2003-06-292009-05-312003-06-292009-05-312003-06-29Sack RB. History of the development of oral rehydration fluids. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 2003 Jun; 101(6): 360, 362-4 development of oral rehydration fluid for the treatment of cholera and other diarrhoeal diseases has been regarded as one of the most important medical advances of the last century. This article summarises information on how this achievement was made possible. The development is traced from the historical empiric use of oral fluids for treating diarrhoea, to physiologic studies in animals that defined how glucose and sodium were coupled in absorption by the small intestine and finally, to the use of this knowledge in developing the simple effective solutions that were adopted by WHO as the mainstay of diarrhoeal therapy worldwide.engAnimalsCholera --historyDiarrhea --historyFluid Therapy --historyHistory, 20th CenturyHistory, AncientHumansIndiaIntestinal Absorption --physiologyHistory of the development of oral rehydration fluids.Historical Article