Jain, AKar, PChander, RKhandpur, SJain, SPrabhash, KGangwal, P1998-10-312009-05-291998-10-312009-05-291998-10-31Jain A, Kar P, Chander R, Khandpur S, Jain S, Prabhash K, Gangwal P. Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome: a cause of gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. 1998 Oct-Dec; 17(4): 153-4http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/64997Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome is an uncommon disorder manifested by cutaneous and gastrointestinal hemangiomas and gastrointestinal hemorrhage causing anemia. We describe a young man who presented with hematemesis and melena and had multiple bluish rubber bleb-like hemangiomas over the body and in the stomach, jejunum and colon. The patient was treated with iron supplements for anemia; he is doing well 6 months later.engAdolescentDiagnosis, DifferentialGastrointestinal Hemorrhage --etiologyHumansMaleNevus, Blue --complicationsSkin Neoplasms --complicationsSyndromeBlue rubber bleb nevus syndrome: a cause of gastrointestinal hemorrhage.Case Reports