Asthana, O PSrivastava, J SKamboj, V PValecha, NSharma, V PGupta, SPande, T KVishwanathan, K AMahapatra, K MNayak, N CMahapatra, P KMahanta, JSrivastava, V KVasdev,Singh, NShukla, M MBalsara, A BMishra, S KSatpathy, S KMohanty, SDash, B2001-07-282009-05-312001-07-282009-05-312001-07-28Asthana OP, Srivastava JS, Kamboj VP, Valecha N, Sharma VP, Gupta S, Pande TK, Vishwanathan KA, Mahapatra KM, Nayak NC, Mahapatra PK, Mahanta J, Srivastava VK, Vasdev , Singh N, Shukla MM, Balsara AB, Mishra SK, Satpathy SK, Mohanty S, Dash B. A multicentric study with arteether in patients of uncomplicated falciparum malaria. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 2001 Jul; 49(): 692-6 hundred and sixty seven patients of uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria completed study in a multicentric phase III clinical trial of Arteether. Arteether was given intramuscularly in a dose of 150 mg daily for three consecutive days. Each patient was followed upto 28 days of alpha, beta arteether therapy. The cure rate was 97% with fever clearance time between 1-7 days (24-168 hours) and parasite clearance time between 1-3 days (24-72 hours). Parasite reappearance rate was found to be 3% and reported at only three of the centres. Following the treatment no adverse effect was observed on haematological, biochemical and vital clinical parameters.engAdolescentAdultAgedAntimalarials --therapeutic useArtemisininsFemaleHumansMalaria, Falciparum --drug therapyMaleMiddle AgedSesquiterpenes --therapeutic useA multicentric study with arteether in patients of uncomplicated falciparum malaria.Clinical Trial