Singh, Anupam NarayanKumar, HirdayKumar, NirajHarshvardhanGangishetty, Harshitha2020-09-242020-09-242019-04Singh Anupam Narayan, Kumar Hirday, Kumar Niraj, Harshvardhan, Gangishetty Harshitha. Use of Preoperative Inhaled Budesonide to Reduce Postoperative Sorethroat Incidence after Endotracheal Intubation. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research . 2019 Apr; 6(4): d1-d32393-915X2454-7379 Post-operative sore throat (POST) andhoarseness of voice are common complaints from patientsreceiving tracheal intubation. Budesonide is used to reduceall these complications and metered dose delivery of drugis considered as simple and less time consuming with highpatient acceptability. The present study was study was plannedto assess the effect of use of preoperative inhaled budesonideto reduce postoperative sorethroat incidence after endotrachealintubation.Material and methods: All the patients scheduled to undergoshort elective laproscopic surgeries, lasting <2hrs undergeneral anaesthesia with endotracheal intubation will beincluded in this study. The patients were selected randomlyinto two equal groups as follows: Group A- 20 patientsreceived 200μg budesonide inhalation suspension, using ametered dose inhaler 10 min before intubation, which wasrepeated 6hrs after extubation. Group B- 20 patients with nosuch interventions was performed before intubation or afterextubation. Post-operative sore throat was assessed at 2,6,12and 24hrs. All the results were categorized and summarized.Results: Incidence of POST was significantly higher amongsubjects of Group B in comparison to subjects of group A atdifferent time intervals.Conclusion: Administration of budesonide significantlyreduced the incidence of postoperative cough hoarseness ofvoice and POST among subjects undergoing laparoscopiccholecystectomyBudesonideHoarsenessVoiceUse of Preoperative Inhaled Budesonide to Reduce Postoperative Sorethroat Incidence after Endotracheal IntubationJournal ArticleIndiaAssistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia, Narayan Medical College and Hospital, Sasaram, BiharAssistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia, Narayan Medical College and Hospital, Sasaram, BiharSenior Resident, Department of Anesthesia, Narayan Medical College and Hospital, Sasaram, BiharSenior Resident, Department of Anesthesia, Narayan Medical College and Hospital, Sasaram, BiharDepartment of Anesthesia, Junior Resident, Narayan Medical College and Hospital, Sasaram, Bihar, India