Gopalkrishna, VJoshi, MViswanathan, RMalu, GGanorkar, NChavan, NShinde, MKumar, ADhurandhare, S2020-04-102020-04-102019-12Gopalkrishna V, Joshi M, Viswanathan R, Malu G, Ganorkar N, Chavan N, Shinde M, Kumar A, Dhurandhare S. Cholera outbreak in Aurangabad, Maharashtra, western India. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2019 Dec; 150(6): 640-6430971-59160975-9174 outbreak in Aurangabad, Maharashtra, western IndiaJournal ArticleIndiaEnteric Viruses Group, ICMR-National Institute of Virology, Pune 411 001, Maharashtra, IndiaBacteriology Group, ICMR-National Institute of Virology, Pune 411 001, Maharashtra, IndiaCantonment General Hospital, Aurangabad 431 002, Maharashtra, India