Patel, SangitaBaxi, Rajendra K.Patel, Shilpa N.Golin, Carol E.2017-01-122017-01-122011-10Patel Sangita, Baxi Rajendra K., Patel Shilpa N., Golin Carol E. Challenges of collaborative research. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. 2011 Oct-Dec;8 (4): 262.0974-8466 2009, as a supplement to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) -funded collaboration between the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the NIH, a formative study was conducted with 30 HIV-positive people and 18 HIV-related service providers to understand sexual risk-taking, HIV-related disclosure, and other behavioural patterns among HIV-positive individuals in Baroda, Gujarat. One goal of this research was to determine how to adapt a counselling intervention which had been tested in the United States, in order to make it culturally and linguistically relevant for PLWHA(People living with HIV/AIDS) here.enChallenges of collaborative research.Article