Jirapinyo, MayureeManonai, JittimaHerabutya, YongyothChuncharunee, Suporn2009-05-272009-05-272007-05-29Jirapinyo M, Manonai J, Herabutya Y, Chuncharunee S. Effectiveness of recombinant activated factor VII (rFVII a) for controlling intractable postpartum bleeding: report of two cases and literature review. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand. 2007 May; 90(5): 977-81http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/45576Chotmaihet Thangphaet. 24 references.BACKGROUND: Recombinant activated factor VII is used for the treatment in patients with inherited or acquired hemophilia with inhibitors and congenital factor VII deficiencies. OBJECTIVE: Using recombinant activated factor VII in primary postpartum hemorrhage. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Two cases of women who had postpartum hemorrhage and were treated with recombinant activated factor VII after all conventional treatment failed. RESULTS: The intractable hemorrhage stopped after treatment with recombinant activated factor VII CONCLUSION: The present report showed that massive postpartum hemorrhage that failed to all procedures was controlled successfully by recombinant activated factor VII.engAdultFactor VIIa --therapeutic useFemaleHumansPostpartum Hemorrhage --drug therapyPregnancyRecombinant Proteins --therapeutic useTreatment FailureTreatment OutcomeEffectiveness of recombinant activated factor VII (rFVII a) for controlling intractable postpartum bleeding: report of two cases and literature review.Case Reports