Udoh, Elijah A.Akaiso, Okon E.Ukpong, Albert E2020-09-242020-09-242020-05Udoh Elijah A., Akaiso Okon E., Ukpong Albert E. Correlation between Prostate Volume and Gleason Score in Patients Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. A 2-Year Hospital based Study . International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research . 2020 May; 7(5): e1-e42393-915X2454-7379http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/202936Introduction: Prostate cancer (Pca) is a disease thatcommonly afflicts elderly male population especially thoseof African descent. Diagnosis is usually confirmed bymicroscopic examination of prostate tissue sample. Gleasonsystem of grading Pca is widely adopted as a guide to selectingtreatment modalities as an independent prognostic factor. Inthis study, we aimed at evaluating the relationship betweenprostate volume (PV) and Gleason score (GS) in prostatecancer patients.Material and Methods: One hundred (100) male patients whowere evaluated for Pca between January 2014 and December2015 were studied. Information from their case notes wereretrieved and entered into spread sheets for analysis using thestatistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20.0.Results: The mean age of the patients was 67.88 + 8.83 yearsranging from 48 to 91 years. Mean prostate volume was 95.97+ 93.52mls, mean Gleason score was 7.89 + 1.20 while meanPSA of 56.33 + 38.99ng/ml was recorded. Most of the patientswere in their 8th decade of life. Majority of them had PV inexcess of 100mls and Gleason score of 9 was found in patientswith mean PV of 120.98 + 133.23mls.Conclusion: Our work documented mixed results of highgrade tumours observed in most patients, prostate sizenotwithstanding. This study predicts high grade disease in ourcohort of patients irrespective of prostate size.Correlation between Prostate Volume and Gleason Score in Patients Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. A 2-Year Hospital based StudyJournal ArticleIndiaSenior Lecturer, Department of Surgery, University of UyoSenior Lecturer, Department of Surgery, University of UyoSenior Lecturer, Department of Surgery, University of Uyo, Nigeria