Deesomchok, AthavudhManeechotsuwan, KittipongSrifuengfung, SompornSuwanagool, Surapol2012-04-092012-04-091999-04Deesomchok Athavudh, Maneechotsuwan Kittipong, Srifuengfung Somporn, Suwanagool Surapol. Pulmonary rhodococcosis an unrecognized pulmonary infection in AIDS patients. Siriraj Medical Journal, 1999 Apr; 51(4): 284-288. rhodococcosis is an uncommon pulmonary infection in human beings, but the case reports have been increasing in HIV-infected patients. We report a female AIDS patient presenting with fever, productive cough and weight loss over 6 weeks. Chest x-ray showed a cavitary lesion with air fluid level in the right upper lobe infiltration. Sputa for AFB stain were negative for 3 consecutive days. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy was performed and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was examined. It showed a gram-positive, weakly acid-fast coccobacilli. The culture grew only Rhodococcus equi. She was treated with erythromycin and rifampin and responded well.enPulmonary rhodococcosisUnrecognized pulmonary infectionAIDS patientsPulmonary rhodococcosis an unrecognized pulmonary infection in AIDS patients.Article