Supat SinawatRatana KomwilaisakThawalwong RatanasiriSuchart AreemitSukanya Taksaphan2011-02-242011-02-242010-04-242010-04-24Srinagarind Medical Journal (SMJ); Vo. 13 No. 3 July - September 1998; 180-183 : The prenatal diagnosis of duodenal obstruction enables clinicians to plan proper obstetric management and early postnatal surgical correction.Objective: To present an case report.Results: We report the case of a 38-year-old woman obstetric ultrasound examination at 31 weeks’ gestation because of the large size of her uterus.  The examination revealed a single live fetus left whose size was consistent with 31 weeks’ gestation.  The fetus had polyhydramnios and the double-bubble sit in its abdomen. Cordocentesis was performed.  Chromosomal examination of the fetal blood revealed trisomy 21.  Preterm delivery occurred at 34 weeks’ gestation and a baby girl weighing 2,460 grams was delivered vaginally. Surgical correction of the duodenal obstruction was carried out.  The cause of the obstruction was an annular pancreas.  The baby died on the fifth postoperative day because of sepsis.Conclusion: Ultrasound was show to be a useful diagnostic toll for the prenatal diagnosis of duodenal obstruction.  It enabled further management to be properly planed. en-USAcademic Affairs, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, KhonKaen, ThailandFetal Diagnosis of Duodenal Obstruction by Ultrasound : A Case ReportCase Report