Chaturvedi, APal, AKSinghal, KVerma, N.2023-06-272023-06-272022-05Chaturvedi A, Pal AK, Singhal K, Verma N.. Association of serum uric acid with waist-hip ratio: A promising index for assessing cardiovascular disease risk profile. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2022 May; 12(5): 629-6312231-32062320-4672 Abdominal obesity is associated with insulin resistance, in turn, hyperinsulinemia and visceral adiposity lead to an increased uric acid (UA) absorption in renal tubules. Aim and Objectives: Accumulation of visceral fat is an underlying component of metabolic syndrome. Furthermore, the waist-hip ratio is an indirect tool for assessing visceral fat. The present study evaluates the association of UA levels with the waist-hip ratio. Materials and Methods: 160 subjects aged 18–60 years were enrolled in the study (those having any anatomical deformity, diabetes, and/or hypertension for more than 5 years were excluded from the study). Their anthropometric parameters, blood pressure, lipid profile, fasting plasma glucose, and serum UA levels were measured. Results: The study population was divided into three groups based on UA levels. The waist-hip ratio in a group of the hyperuricemic population was more as compared to groups of normal and below normal UA levels population and the association of UA level with waist-hip ratio was found to be significant (P = 0.045). Conclusion: The over-inflow of free fatty acid to the liver from accumulated visceral fat may be linked to the de novo purine synthesis through the pentose phosphate pathway, which may accelerate the production of UA.Waist-hip RatioSerum Uric AcidVisceral FatAssociation of serum uric acid with waist-hip ratio: A promising index for assessing cardiovascular disease risk profileJournal ArticleIndiaDepartment of Physiology, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, IndiaDepartment of Physiology, Autonomous State Medical College, Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh, IndiaDepartment of Physiology, University College of Medical Science GTB Hospital, New Delhi, India