Saini, NGupta, M2009-05-282009-05-282008-06-03Saini N, Gupta M. Plasticity of myenteric neurons. Nepal Medical College Journal. 2008 Jun; 10(2): 75-80 Medical College Journal.The nervous system exerts a profound influence on all digestive processes. The wall of digestive system is endowed with its own, local nervous system referred to as the enteric or intrinsic nervous system which is responsible for the modulation of the rhythmic gastrointestinal peristaltic activities along with other functions. The principal components of the enteric nervous system are two neuronal networks: myenteric and submucosal, embedded in the wall of the digestive tract and extend from esophagus to anus. The musculature of different parts of gastrointestinal tract is differently disposed to perform different functions. Thus the aim of present study was to demonstrate the presence of neurons and to quantify the number of collections of neurons, number of neurons in each collection and area of the neurons of the plexus. One cm piece from all the parts of GIT containing entire wall was taken from the same region of 5 adult cadavers of postmortem cases which were embalmed in the Department ofAnatomy, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Chandigarh and were processed for paraffin sectioning. 5 and 10 micro thick serial sections were obtained and 6th and 7th slides were stained with: Hematoxylin and Eosin and Marsland, Glees and Erikson's silver stain. The slides were photomicrographed using digital camera. The morphometrical analysis was done using Image Pro Express software. Aggregations of 1-31 neurons present in myenteric network located between longitudinal and circular muscle layers of the GIT whose size varied from 10.263-259.660 microm2. They were oval or round; multipolar, arranged in two rows and dispersed in groups in connective tissue of muscularis propria. The collections of neurons were appeared to be more numerous in appendix and ileoceacal valve.engAdultCadaverGastrointestinal Tract --cytologyHumansMyenteric Plexus --cytologyNeuronal PlasticityPlasticity of myenteric neurons.Journal Article