Tyagi, Sanjeev2010-02-042010-06-012010-02-042010-06-012009-01Tyagi Sanjeev. An alternative treatment approach for a supernumerary tooth fused to a Mandibular second molar: a case report. People’s Journal of Scientific Research. 2009 Jan; (2)1: 27-30.http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/127119Since abnormal tooth morphology can predispose to caries and periodontal disease, careful management of fused teeth is essential. This paper reports a rare case of a fused molar and supernumerary tooth and describes its management. Caries was removed from the tooth under local anesthesia. The pulp chamber of the supernumerary tooth was exposed and the root canal of the supernumerary tooth was prepared using the step back technique and copious irrigation with H2O2. Obturation using the lateral condensation technique with gutta-percha and AH26 sealer was subsequently performed and final restoration was accomplished with composite resin.enSupernumerary ToothFusionEndodontic TreatmentTooth AnomaliesAn alternative treatment approach for a supernumerary tooth fused to a Mandibular second molar: a case report.Article