Panth, MShatrugna, VRavinder, PSivakumar, B1990-08-012009-05-271990-08-012009-05-271990-08-01Panth M, Shatrugna V, Ravinder P, Sivakumar B. Plasma levels of estradiol & progesterone at different gestational ages in Indian women. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 1990 Aug; 92(): 213-5 levels of estradiol and progesterone were determined at different gestational ages in Indian pregnant women from the low socio-economic group. The levels of estradiol and progesterone progressively increased with gestation and reached maximum values (14.35 +/- 1.092 and 145.9 +/- 7.69 ng/ml, respectively) by term. Though the estradiol values were comparable to those reported in literature, the term values of progesterone were found to be lower (145.9 +/- 7.69 ng/ml) than those reported from Western countries (160 +/- 7.5 ng/ml) at 34-38 wk of gestation. These low progesterone values may have physiological implication in placental function.engEstradiol --bloodFemaleHumansIndiaLongitudinal StudiesPregnancy --bloodPregnancy Trimester, Second --bloodProgesterone --bloodReference ValuesSocial ClassPlasma levels of estradiol & progesterone at different gestational ages in Indian women.Journal Article