Sreekumar, PKurup, P A1979-08-012009-05-271979-08-012009-05-271979-08-01Sreekumar P, Kurup PA. Relation between degree of unsaturation of the dietary fat & metabolism of glycosaminoglycans in rats fed cholesterol-free & cholesterol-containing diets. Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics. 1979 Aug; 16(4): 232-5 --metabolismCholesterol, Dietary --pharmacologyDiet, AtherogenicDietary Fats --pharmacologyFats, Unsaturated --pharmacologyGlycosaminoglycans --metabolismLiver --metabolismMaleOils --pharmacologyRatsStructure-Activity RelationshipRelation between degree of unsaturation of the dietary fat & metabolism of glycosaminoglycans in rats fed cholesterol-free & cholesterol-containing diets.Journal Article