Parveen, ArshiKumar, Deepak2023-08-092023-08-092023-06Parveen Arshi, Kumar Deepak. ISOLATION AND SEQUENCING OF RESISTANCE GENE ANALOGS FROM THE NBS-LRR REGION OF COFFEA ARABICA GENOME. Indian Journal Of Applied Research. 2023 Jun; 13(6): 64-652249-555X is one of the most economically important crops in India and also across the world. Apart from the abiotic stress, a USD 495.5 billion coffee industry suffers from the outbreak of various diseases caused by pathogenic fungus, bacteria and viruses. The presence of Resistance Gene Analogs (RGAs) in coffee plant is the most prominent marker of resistance against the pathogens. The current study aims to isolate resistance gene analogs from the nucleotide binding site – Leucine rich repeats (NBS-LRR) region of the Coffea arabica chromosome.Coffea arabicadisease resistanceresistance gene analogsagricultureISOLATION AND SEQUENCING OF RESISTANCE GENE ANALOGS FROM THE NBS-LRR REGION OF COFFEA ARABICA GENOMEJournal ArticleIndiaPhD Scholar, RKDF University, Ranchi. *Corresponding AuthorDirector, Bunshi Bioscience, Ranchi.