Pandit, Gopal AKudrimoti, Jyoti KKokandakar, Hemant RBhople, Kashinath S2004-07-222009-05-292004-07-222009-05-292004-07-22Pandit GA, Kudrimoti JK, Kokandakar HR, Bhople KS. Fibrosarcoma of penis--a case report. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2004 Jul; 47(3): 389-90 mesenchymal tumours of penis are rare. A rare case of fibrosarcoma of penis in 60 year male is presented herewith.engFibrosarcoma --pathologyHumansMaleMiddle AgedPenile Neoplasms --pathologyFibrosarcoma of penis--a case report.Case Reports