RAMANAYAKE, MAL2011-02-142011-02-1419961996RAMANAYAKE, MAL , Danta veshta rogaya sandaha yodana lada deshiya dantaushadayak mata praja mukha saukhya rakaganima , Institute of Indigenous Medicine, Rajagiriya IIM, 1996: 71p.http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/129420Dissertation: M.Phil.(Ayurveda), Institute of Indigenous Medicine, Rajagiriya : IIM, 1996.en-USInstitute of Indigenous Medicine, Rajagiriya , IIM: Sri Lanka HELLIS NetworkMedicine, ayurvedicStomatognathic DiseasesDental CariesDanta veshta rogaya sandaha yodana lada deshiya dantaushadayak mata praja mukha saukhya rakaganimaThesis