Chierakul, NitipanaLoasuthi, KittipongHargrove, Narumol Sriuthapan2012-04-202012-04-201995-04Chierakul Nitipana, Loasuthi Kittipong, Hargrove Narumol Sriuthapan. Massive right-sided pleural effusion arising from pancreatic pseudocyst: A case report. Siriraj Medical Journal, 1995 Apr; 47(4): 337-340. pleural effusion is a well known but rare complication of pancreatic pseudocyst. A 31-year-old male alcoholic presented with two weeks of progressive dyspnea without abdominal symptoms. The finding of massive right-sided pleural effusion led to thoracocentesis pseudocyst with pancreaticopleural fistula into the right pleural cavity. Conservative two-week treatment by tube thoracostomy and parenteral nutrition was carried out. The clinical course was uneventful and follow up computed tomography revealed only residual abnormality.;enRight-sided pleural effusionPancreatic pseudocystMassive right-sided pleural effusion arising from pancreatic pseudocyst: A case report.Article