Balachandra, NB R, Ramesh.2020-04-232020-04-232018-07Balachandra N, B R Ramesh.. A Study Of The Dimensions Of The Human Tricuspid Valve. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. 2018 Jul; 6(3): 5652-56592321-42872321-8967 With the advent of the prosthetic valves, which are being used by the cardiac surgeons to replacediseased or damaged valves, an accurate knowledge of the dimensions and size of the tricuspid valve will be ofimmense help. Surgical correction on the heart valves has given a new lease of life to patients. This study, so farhas been done mostly on the American and European races. Studies in the Indians, particularly South Indianshas been rare. Hence the present study.Materials and Methods: 96 hearts were studied which were collected from cadavers allotted to undergraduatestudents for dissection, over a period of time. Hearts were removed by dissection method. The circumference ofthe tricuspid valve was measured & the diameters of the tricuspid valve are measured in two separate dimensionsin two separate perpendicularly oriented planes at the maximally separated points which is described undermaterials & methods.Results: The results of the study are as follows: The dimensions of the tricuspid valve annulus range from 5.7 cm– 14.8 cm. No accessory leaflets were foundConclusions: The study of the dimensions of the tricuspid valve annulus dimensions is important for variouscardiac procedures. The knowledge of the annulus of the tricuspid valve is important for the cardiac surgeon intricuspid valve diseases like stenosis and regurgitation as it will help him plan palliative or corrective surgeryin the congenital or acquired heart diseases.Tricuspid valveAnnulusLeafletsProsthetic valvesStenosisRegurgitationA Study Of The Dimensions Of The Human Tricuspid ValveJournal ArticleIndiaProfessor & Head, Department of Anatomy, East Point College of Medical Sciences & Research Center, Bidarahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, DR B R Ambedkar Medical College, K G Halli, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India