Nallathamby, RaniAvadhani, RamakrishnaJacob, MeeraSoman, Meril Ann2016-02-292016-02-292014-10Nallathamby Rani, Avadhani Ramakrishna, Jacob Meera, Soman Meril Ann. Presence of an Unusual Fissure on the Diaphragmatic Surface of Spleen. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. 2014 Oct-Dec; 2(4): 681-683. is the largest lymphoid organ of the body. Variations in the diaphragmatic surface of spleen are extremely rare which makes it significant. We observed an unusual fissure on the diaphragmatic surface of the spleen during routine dissection. Knowledge of this variation of spleen is important for radiologists, surgeons, clinicians and anatomists.enSpleenFissureDiaphragmatic surfacePresence of an Unusual Fissure on the Diaphragmatic Surface of Spleen.Article