Choudhury, S RoySingh, Dharmendra2004-01-122009-06-042004-01-122009-06-042004-01-12Choudhury SR, Singh D. Advanced hepatoblastoma: successful liver resection following preoperative chemotherapy. Tropical Gastroenterology. 2004 Jan-Mar; 25(1): 32-3 present a case of advanced hepatobastoma in a 9-month-old child who was treated with chemotherapy (three cycles of PLADO regimen conisting of cisplatin and Adriamycin) followed by surgical excision (left lobectomy). At 1-year follow up, the is doing well and is disease-free.engAntineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols --administration & dosageCisplatin --administration & dosageCombined Modality TherapyDiagnosis, DifferentialDoxorubicin --administration & dosageHepatoblastoma --diagnosisHumansInfantLiver Neoplasms --diagnosisNeoadjuvant TherapyTomography, X-Ray ComputedAdvanced hepatoblastoma: successful liver resection following preoperative chemotherapy.Case Reports