Singh, ShikhaSingh, SarojChandra, MukeshRani, RekhaVerma, Suchit2017-01-302017-01-302013-08Singh Shikha, Singh Saroj, Chandra Mukesh, Rani Rekha, Verma Suchit. A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Actim Partus (A Rapid Bedside Test) in the Prediction of Preterm Labor. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice. 2013 Aug; 24(3): 260-263. The objective of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of bedside test kits (Actim partus kit) based on detection of phosphorylated insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1(PIGFBP-1) in cervical secretions in predicting preterm delivery. Material and methods: Patients presenting with symptoms of preterm labor between 28 and 36 weeks of gestation were recruited. PIGFBP-1 bedside tests (Actim partus test) were performed. Managing obstetricians and patients were blinded to the PIGFBP-1 results. Tocolysis and steroid therapy were administered to all the recruited patients. Outcome data were collected after delivery. Results: Fifty patients were recruited into the study, the median [± standard deviation [SD] gestational age at delivery was 34.12 weeks (± 2.1 weeks) and 37.14 weeks (± 2.8 weeks), patient testing positive and negative for Actim partus test, respectively. A positive result was associated with significantly reduced admission-to-delivery interval. The median admission-to-delivery interval was 3.25 days in the group with positive PIGFBP-1 results while 6.97 days with a PIGFBP-1 result (p < 0.001). Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of Actim partus test is 72.22%, 90.6% 81.25% and 85.29%, respectively. Conclusion: Actim partus (IGFBP-1) tests are effective adjuvant bedside test kits for the prediction of preterm delivery in patients presenting with signs or symptoms of preterm labor. High negative predictive values have great value in avoiding unnecessary interventions.enBedside test kits (Actim partus kit)preterm deliverypreterm laborA Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Actim Partus (A Rapid Bedside Test) in the Prediction of Preterm Labor.Article