Rampradeep, RishabGangadharan, V.Gururaj, Prasanth2023-08-282023-08-282022-08Rampradeep Rishab, Gangadharan V., Gururaj Prasanth. A rare case of rapid development of bullous lung. International Journal of Advances in Medicine. 2022 Aug; 9(8): 899-9022349-39332349-3925http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/225867Tuberculosis, although an ancient disease, affecting humans for millennia; continues to present in atypical ways. Whilst the development of bullous lung disease in patients suffering from Pulmonary Tuberculosis, has been reported, it remains an extremely rare phenomenon. The underlying mechanisms remain unknown, and potential causes have been hypothesized, including the role of Isoniazid as part of antitubercular therapy. We reportedone such case of a rapid development of bullous lung as a complication of Pulmonary Tuberculosis.Bullous lung diseaseVanishing lung syndromePulmonary tuberculosisPost tuberculosis sequelaeA rare case of rapid development of bullous lungJournal ArticleIndiaDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Saveetha Medical College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India