Bhat, Muzafar AhmadHussian, HudaJan, Suhail Majid2020-09-242020-09-242019-04Bhat Muzafar Ahmad, Hussian Huda, Jan Suhail Majid. Treatment for Isolated Miller’s Class I or II Gingival Recession with Platelet Rich Fibrin Membrane- A Clinical Study. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research . 2019 Apr; 6(4): d1-d42393-915X2454-7379 Gingival recession is defined as displacement ofmarginal tissue apical to cementoenamel junction (CEJ). Thisprospective clinical study was designed to evaluate clinicallythe effect of lateral pedicle flap (LPF) with platelet‑rich fibrin(PRF) graft for the treatment of denuded root surfaces.Material and Methods: 20 isolated Miller’s Class I and IIgingival recession of single‑rooted teeth were selected for thestudy. Ist we started with caling and root planing, followed byoral hygiene instructions. Plaque index, gingival index, andrecession level (probing depth and clinical attachment level[CAL], were assessed at baseline. Following this, LPF withPRF was done at the recession sites, and parameters wereassessed at 3 and 6 months.Results: The mean level percentage of RC attained was 72.1%at 3 months and 73.4% at 6 months.Conclusion: LPF with PRF produced statistically significantreduction in recession depth and gain in CAL by the end of 6months.Isolated Denuded Root SurfacesLateral Positioned FlapPlatelet‑Rich Fibrin GraftTreatment for Isolated Miller’s Class I or II Gingival Recession with Platelet Rich Fibrin Membrane- A Clinical StudyJournal ArticleIndiaRegistrar, Department of Periodontics, Government Dental College, Srinagar Jammu & KashmirPost Graduate Student, Department of Periodontics, Government Dental College, Srinagar Jammu & KashmirH.O.D, Department of Periodontics, Government Dental College, Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir