Deonandan, RaywatDiRaimo, Samantha2016-03-102016-03-102014-11-11Deonandan Raywat , DiRaimo Samantha. Demographic Profile of Travellers Seeking Reproduction Tourism Services. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. 2014 Nov; 4(32): 5125-5132. medical tourism is by some accounts a multibillion dollar industry globally. Transnationally, it involves the travel between nations of individuals seeking assisted reproductive technologies in foreign countries. Through a structured literature review, we identified the demographic characteristics of those seeking these services. Data from 14 peer-reviewed studies were synthesized. Most studies described travel within Europe, with Belgium being the destination most often cited. Key findings include that those travelling for reproductive purposes are typically over 35 years of age, likely to selfidentify as homosexual, bisexual or transgendered. The most frequently mentioned reason for travel was the lack of appropriate services in the home country.enARTIVFsurrogacyglobalizationdemographicsreproductionDemographic Profile of Travellers Seeking Reproduction Tourism Services.Article