Sharma, RatnakarSingh, AkashdeepSingh, Ravinder2016-12-062016-12-062015-07Ratnakar Sharma, Akashdeep Singh, Ravinder Singh. Management of Fingertip Injuries. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2015 Jul-Sept. 17(3): 127-130. Fingertip injuries are one of the most common injuries sustained by human beings owing to various reasons as domestic, occupational, road traffic accidents or due to violence. The injury to the fingertip needs proper assessment and reconstruction so as to provide the proper tissue replacement.we describe our experience of 50 patients of fingertip injuries requiring reconstruction using one or other modality over a period of three years presenting to our hospital.enFingertip InjuriesPresentationModes of ReconstructionManagement of Fingertip Injuries.Article