Patel, S BParmar, H ANaik, A M2012-06-282012-06-282012-01Patel S B, Parmar H A, Naik A M. Gelastic syncope: An unusual condition. National Medical Journal of India. 2012 Jan-Feb; 25(1): 21. syncope or laughter-induced syncope is a rare disease often misdiagnosed as narcolepsy or cataplexy. We report a 54-year-old man with syncopal episodes. Each episode started after laughter, leading to light-headedness with blurring of vision and loss of consciousness for a few seconds. The episodes resolved spontaneously. The treatment of gelastic syncope is the same as that for neurally mediated syncope.enHumansLaughterMaleMedical History TakingMiddle AgedPolysomnographySyncope --classificationSyncope --diagnosisGelastic syncope: An unusual condition.Article