Lakshmi, VPatil, M ASubhadha, KHimabindu, V2006-04-122009-05-282006-04-122009-05-282006-04-12Lakshmi V, Patil MA, Subhadha K, Himabindu V. Isolation of mycobacteria by BACTEC 460 TB system from clinical specimens. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2006 Apr; 24(2): 124-6 article reports our experience with the BACTEC 460 TB system in the past five years and its performance characteristics and its advantages over the conventional LJ medium for mycobacterial culture. Clinical specimens (3597) from patients suspected to have tuberculosis were submitted for mycobacterial culture between May 2000 and August 2005 and were processed using the BACTEC 460 TB system. Pulmonary samples were 1568 while the extra pulmonary samples were 2029. BACTEC achieved detection of 681 (18.93%) M. tuberculosis cases (499- pulmonary, 182- extrapulmonary) with a recovery time shorter by 13.2 days compared to conventional method, while 577 (84.7%) were non-tuberculosis mycobacteria. Automated systems can have a great impact and thrust on an early diagnosis of tuberculosis allowing an early and appropriate management of the patient and thereby a better disease outcome.engAutomationBacteriological Techniques --instrumentationCulture MediaHumansMycobacterium --isolation & purificationMycobacterium tuberculosis --isolation & purificationTuberculosis --diagnosisTuberculosis, Pulmonary --diagnosisIsolation of mycobacteria by BACTEC 460 TB system from clinical specimens.Evaluation Studies