Agarwal, SGera, N1996-09-012009-05-311996-09-012009-05-311996-09-01Agarwal S, Gera N. Tuberculosis--an underestimated cause of ileal perforation. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 1996 Sep; 94(9): 341, 352 hundred and thirteen specimens of Ileum received over the last 3 years (1990-92) were reviewed histologically and analysed to determine the aetiology of perforation. Perforations were seen in all age groups varying from one month to 75 years with a peak incidence during 3rd and 4th decades. Males were more frequently affected. Perforations were single or multiple involving the whole ileum. The highest incidence (52) was seen in enteric fever. Next in frequency (19) was tuberculosis. In 23 cases no specific aetiology could be identified. Other causes of perforation were injury and obstruction resulting from diverticulosis, intussusception adhesions and worms. A significantly high incidence (16.8%) of tuberculous perforation is noteworthy.engAdolescentAdultAge DistributionAgedChildChild, PreschoolFemaleHumansIleal Diseases --microbiologyIncidenceInfantIntestinal Perforation --microbiologyMaleMiddle AgedSex DistributionTuberculosis, Gastrointestinal --complicationsTyphoid Fever --complicationsTuberculosis--an underestimated cause of ileal perforation.Journal Article