Kaushik, RYadav, T DDabra, A2001-04-132009-06-042001-04-132009-06-042001-04-13Kaushik R, Yadav TD, Dabra A. A case of sigmoid lipoma presenting with intussusception. Tropical Gastroenterology. 2001 Apr-Jun; 22(2): 97-8http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/124708Colonic lipomas are rare, benign tumours that rarely produce symptoms. Presented here is a case where a sigmoid lipoma acted as lead point to produce intussusception.engAgedBarium Sulfate --diagnostic useColectomy --methodsColonic Diseases --etiologyEnemaFollow-Up StudiesHumansIntussusception --etiologyLipoma --complicationsMaleSigmoid Neoplasms --complicationsTomography, X-Ray ComputedTreatment OutcomeA case of sigmoid lipoma presenting with intussusception.Case Reports