Malik, PriyankaGarg, YogeshBedi, Gurdeep KaurVij, Chittranjan2020-09-242020-09-242019-07Malik Priyanka, Garg Yogesh, Bedi Gurdeep Kaur, Vij Chittranjan. Endocrine Dysfunction in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research . 2019 Jul; 6(7): g1-g32393-915X2454-7379 Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of theconceptus before 20 weeks of gestation. Several disordersare known to contribute to recurrent miscarriage including:chromosomal anomalies; anti-cardiolipin antibodies;endocrine disorders such as poorly controlled diabetesmellitus; hyperprolactinaemia and thyroid diseases; andpelvic anatomic abnormalities. Study aimed to investigate theendocrine dysfunction in recurrent pregnancy lossMaterial and Methods: A prospective study comprising 70subjects was carried out. Fifty cases of recurrent abortionsconstituted the study group. Twenty healthy multipara femalesof same reproductive age group constituted the controlgroup. Venous blood samples were collected, and serum wasanalyzed for hormone analysis (T3, T4, TSH, LH, FSH, PRL,Testosterone) by ELISA method.Results: The mean prolactin level in cases of recurrentabortions was 19.96 ng/ml, while in controls was 11.77 ng/ml. The p value was 0.006 which was found to be statisticallyhighly significant. The mean TSH level in recurrent abortionscases was 5.81 mIU/L, while in controls was 1.95 mIU/L. Thep value was 0.004 which was found to be statistically highlysignificant.Conclusion: The patients with recurrent abortions hadsignificantly raised levels of TSH and Prolactin. Theprevalence of thyroid disorder and hyperprolactinemiawere higher in pregnant women with a history of recurrentabortion compared with healthy pregnant control population.Universal screening of pregnant females for endocrine profilecan improve the foetal outcome as well as social well-beingof females.Triiodothyronine (T3)Tetraiodothyronine (T4)Thyroid Stimulating Hormone(TSH)Leutinizing Hormone(LH)Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH)Endocrine Dysfunction in Recurrent Pregnancy LossJournal ArticleIndiaSenior Resident, Biochemistry, GMC, PatialaJunior Resident, Radiodiagnosis, GMC, PatialaProfessor, Biochemistry, GMC PatialaAssociate Professor, Biochemistry, GMC, Patiala, India