Zolty, B CSinha, P KSinha, D N2013-03-282013-03-282012-10Zolty B C, Sinha P K, Sinha D N. Best practices in tobacco control in the South-East Asia Region. Indian Journal of Cancer. 2012 Oct-Dec; 49(4): 321-326.http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/145824The tobacco epidemic is an increasing threat to public health with the tobacco burden particularly high in WHO's South-East Asia Region (SEAR). The Region has many obstacles to tobacco control, but despite these challenges, significant progress has been made in many countries. Although much work still needs to be done, SEAR countries have nevertheless implemented strong and often innovative tobacco control measures that can be classified as "best practices," with some setting global precedents. The best practice measures implemented in SEAR include bans on gutka, reducing tobacco imagery in movies, and warning about the dangers of tobacco. In a time of scarce resources, countries in SEAR and elsewhere must ensure that the most effective and cost-efficient measures are implemented. It is hoped that countries can learn from these examples and as appropriate, adapt these measures to their own specific cultural, social and political realities.enBest practicedemand reductiongutka banregionSouth-East Asia regionsupply reductiontobacco controlAsia, SoutheasternAsia, WesternPractice Guidelines as TopicSmoking --prevention & controlTobacco Products --supply & distributionTobacco Smoke Pollution --prevention & controlWorld Health OrganizationBest practices in tobacco control in the South-East Asia Region.Article