Roy, SPatil, DDahake, RMukherjee, SAthlekar, S VDeshmukh, R AChowdhary, A2012-12-182012-12-182012-04Roy S, Patil D, Dahake R, Mukherjee S, Athlekar S V, Deshmukh R A, Chowdhary A. Prevalence of influenza virus among the paediatric population in Mumbai during 2007-2009. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2012 Apr-June; 30(2): 155-158. Influenza has a major impact on public heath, annually affecting 15-20% of the global population. Information on the activity of influenza virus in Mumbai is limited. The present study was carried out to determine the prevalence of influenza viruses causing acute respiratory infections in children by molecular methods. Objective: To study the prevalence of influenza viruses among the paediatric population in Mumbai by real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR). Materials and Methods: From July 2007 to July 2009, 100 respiratory samples (nasal and throat swabs) were collected from paediatric patients with acute respiratory symptoms. attending out patients department, and admitted to the paediatric wards of B. J. Wadia Hospital for Children, Mumbai. The samples were collected and processed as per World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. Viral RNA was extracted and one-step rRT-PCR was performed to detect influenza type A (H1 and H3) and influenza type B virus. Results: Out of 100 samples processed by rRT-PCR, a total of 11 samples (11%) were positive for influenza virus. The typing for influenza A subtypes showed 1% (1) positivity for H1 and 5% (5) positivity for H3 subtypes and 5% (5) samples tested positive for influenza type B virus. Conclusion: It was observed that both influenza type A and B viruses were prevalent in Mumbai during the study period. Such surveillance data are important in the early detection of any antigenic variants that may be helpful in global influenza vaccine preparation and for any pandemic preparedness activity.enInfluenza viruspaediatricsprevalencerRT-PCRChildChild, PreschoolFemaleHumansIndia --epidemiologyInfantInfluenza A virus --geneticsInfluenza A virus --isolation & purificationInfluenza B virus --geneticsInfluenza B virus --isolation & purificationInfluenza, Human --diagnosisInfluenza, Human --epidemiologyInfluenza, Human --virologyMaleMolecular Diagnostic Techniques --methodsNasal Mucosa --virologyPharynx --virologyPrevalenceRNA, Viral --geneticsRNA, Viral --isolation & purificationReal-Time Polymerase Chain ReactionReverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain ReactionVirology --methodsPrevalence of influenza virus among the paediatric population in Mumbai during 2007-2009.Article