Prasad, P V VBhatnagar, Vinod KumarSubhaktha, P K J P2004-01-132009-05-272004-01-132009-05-272004-01-13Prasad PV, Bhatnagar VK, Subhaktha PK. Short communication descriptive note on two rare books a hand book on the uses of the country and bazaar medicines of India & materia indica. Bulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine (Hyderabad). 2004 Jan-Jun; 34(1): 87-120, 19th CenturyHistory, 20th CenturyIndiaMateria Medica --historyTextbooks as Topic --historyShort communication descriptive note on two rare books a hand book on the uses of the country and bazaar medicines of India & materia indica.Historical Article