Kasturi, SumalathaRendla, Santhosh BabuRenuka, I VRoda, Sumanlatha GGaddam, Sampoorna2015-12-182015-12-182015-04Kasturi Sumalatha, Rendla Santhosh Babu, Renuka I V, Roda Sumanlatha G, Gaddam Sampoorna. Spectrum of Lesions in the Lung – A 2 Year Study Done on Lobectomy Specimens. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. 2015 Apr-June; 6(2): 132-139.0976-4550http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/168509Aims : The aims are to study the spectrum of non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions of lung and to study the incidence of lung cancers with reference to age, gender, lifestyle and occupation. Materials and Methods: The study is done over a period of 2 years (May 2009 to April 2011) in the Department of Pathology, GGH,Guntur. Total of 52 lobectomy specimens were studied. Formalin fixed, paraffin embedded H & E stained tissue sections were studied. Special stains (Gomorri’s methenamine silver stain and Periodic acid schiff) were done whenever necessary. Immunohistochemistry was done in diagnostically difficult cases. Results: Neoplasms constituted 38.4% of total lesions.Majority of lung tumors occurred in the fifth and sixth decade. M:F sex ratio is 4:1. On chest x-ray/CT scan chest, majority of lung tumors presented as mass lesion. Right side of the lung is more commonly affected than the left.Cigarette smoking is the major etiological factor in the causation of lung carcinoma. Among the primary tumors, adenocarcinoma constituted largest group followed by squamous cell carcinoma. Conclusion: from the present study it is concluded that adenocarcinoma is now the most common lung carcinoma in all race and sex groups.There is a strong association between lung cancer and smoking.Chest radiograph and CT scan aid in the diagnosis and anatomical localisation of lung tumor.enLungSmokingNeoplasticNon neoplasticSpectrum of Lesions in the Lung – A 2 Year Study Done on Lobectomy Specimens.Article