Patil, V MNoronha, VMuddu, V KGulia, SBhosale, BArya, SJuvekar, SChatturvedi, PChaukar, D APai, PD'cruz, APrabhash, K2013-07-172013-07-172013-01Patil V M, Noronha V, Muddu V K, Gulia S, Bhosale B, Arya S, Juvekar S, Chatturvedi P, Chaukar D A, Pai P, D'cruz A, Prabhash K. Induction chemotherapy in technically unresectable locally advanced oral cavity cancers: Does it make a difference. Indian Journal of Cancer. 2013 Jan-Mar; 50(1): 1-8. Factor for 2013 is 1.131 Click here to download free Android Application for this and other journals Click here to view optimized website for mobile devices Journal is indexed with MEDLINE/Index Medicus and Science Citation Index ExpandedShare on facebookShare on twitterShare on citeulikeShare on connoteaShare on googleShare on linkedinMore Sharing Services MINI SYMPOSIUM: HEAD NECK CANCER Year : 2013 | Volume : 50 | Issue : 1 | Page : 1-8 Induction chemotherapy in technically unresectable locally advanced oral cavity cancers: Does it make a difference? VM Patil1, V Noronha1, VK Muddu1, S Gulia1, B Bhosale1, S Arya2, S Juvekar2, P Chatturvedi3, DA Chaukar3, P Pai3, A D'cruz3, K Prabhash1 1 Department of Medical Oncology, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 2 Department of Radio-Diagnosis, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 3 Department of Surgical Oncology, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Date of Web Publication 20-May-2013 Correspondence Address: K Prabhash Department of Medical Oncology, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra India DOI: 10.4103/0019-509X.112263 PMID: 23713035 ยป Abstract Background: Locally advanced and unresectable oral cavity cancers have a poor prognosis. Induction might be beneficial in this setting by reducing tumor bulk and allowing definitive surgery. Aim: To analyze the impact of induction chemotherapy on locally advanced, technically unresectable oral cavity cancers. Materials and Methods: Retrospective analysis of patients with locally advanced oral cavity cancers, who were treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) during the period between June 2009 and December 2010. Data from a prospectively filled database were analyzed for information on patient characteristics, chemotherapy received, toxicity, response rates, local treatment offered, patterns of failure, and overall survival. The statistical analysis was performed with SPSS version 16. Results: 123 patients, with a median age of 42 years were analyzed. Buccal mucosa was the most common subsite (68.30%). Three drug regimen was utilized in 26 patients (21.10%) and the rest received two drug regimen. Resectability was achieved in 17 patients treated with 3 drug regimen (68.00%) and 36 patients receiving 2 drug regimen. Febrile neutropenia was seen in 3 patients (3.09%) receiving 2 drug regimen and in 9 patients (34.62%) receiving 3 drug regimen. The estimated median OS was not reached in patients who had clinical response and underwent surgery as opposed to 8 months in patients treated with non-surgical modality post NACT (P = 0.0001). Conclusion: Induction chemotherapy was effective in converting technically unresectable oral cavity cancers to operable disease in approximately 40% of patients and was associated with significantly improved overall survival in comparison to nonsurgical treatment.enHead and neck neoplasminduction chemotherapylocally advancedoral cancersunresectableAdultAgedAntineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols --therapeutic useBridged Compounds --administration & dosageBridged Compounds --adverse effectsFemaleFluorouracil --administration & dosageFluorouracil --adverse effectsHumansInduction ChemotherapyMaleMiddle AgedMouth Neoplasms --drug therapyMouth Neoplasms --pathologyMouth Neoplasms --surgeryNeoadjuvant TherapyNeutropenia --etiologyPlatinum --administration & dosagePlatinum --adverse effectsRetrospective StudiesTaxoids --administration & dosageTaxoids --adverse effectsYoung AdultNeoplasm StagingSurvival AnalysisInduction chemotherapy in technically unresectable locally advanced oral cavity cancers: Does it make a difference.Article