Paul, Dr. Sandeep2023-07-212023-07-212022-09Paul Dr. Sandeep. SCHOOL LEADERSHIP: PERSPECTIVES ON ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING IN CONTEXT OF LIFE SKILLS . Global Journal For Research Analysis . 2022 Sep; 11(9): 71-722277-8160 is a complex multi-faceted phenomenon. Signi?cant school wide change is impossible without effective school leadership. Life Skills is a role orientation and consistent with predictions, results suggest that different patterns of Skills lead to different forms of organizational learning. There are many passionate advocates already providing strong leadership development who have dedicated their work to make schools learning communities that support leadership learning. School Head must be enabled and encouraged to analyze comprehensively and respond knowledgeably to the local context and work closely with and through their colleagues to establish good working relationship with staff. it is the prime duty of school head to promote quality teaching of teachers to meet the high level of learning for all children in their classes. School principal /head has the most signi?cant in?uence on teacher's professional development and also on student's learning. School head is directly responsible for leading learning by creating a conducive environment for learning.Life SkillsOrganisational LearningInnovativeSelf AwarenessCreative ThinkingSCHOOL LEADERSHIP: PERSPECTIVES ON ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING IN CONTEXT OF LIFE SKILLSJournal ArticleIndiaPGT (History), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Bring Khera , Muktsar (Punjab)