Dixit, RamakantDixit, KalpanaShah, HetalShah, Keyur2013-09-132013-09-132004-10Dixit Ramakant, Dixit Kalpana, Shah Hetal, Shah Keyur. Tuberculous abscess of rectus abdominis muscle. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis. 2004 Oct; 51(4): 231-234.http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/148253Tuberculosis of skeletal muscle is very rare. A case of tuberculous abscess in rectus abdominis muscle is described in a seven year old male child. The patient presented with an abscess in the anterior abdominal wall, which subsequently ruptured. The diagnosis was made by histological examination of the excised tissue following local debridement.enIntramuscular abscessSkeletal muscle tuberculosisTuberculous abscess of rectus abdominis muscle.Article