Velonjara, Tohaina DollyMartinetti, Andrianimaro FloreliaFranklin, RabenjarisonJudicael, Harioly Nirina Marie OseGiannie, Rasamimanana NaharisoaEnintsoa, Raveloson Nasolotsiry2023-07-212023-07-212023-01Velonjara Tohaina Dolly, Martinetti Andrianimaro Florelia, Franklin Rabenjarison, Judicael Harioly Nirina Marie Ose, Giannie Rasamimanana Naharisoa, Enintsoa Raveloson Nasolotsiry. EPIDEMIOCLINICAL PROFILE OF PAIN IN EMERGENCY ROOM OF THE TEACHING HOSPITAL SOUTH MAHAVOKY MAHAJANGA MADAGASCAR. Global Journal For Research Analysis . 2023 Jan; 12(1): 159-1612277-8160 Pain is a very frequent symptom in emergency medicine and the understanding of its epidemio-clinical characters is essential to better manage it. The objective of our work was to describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of acute pain in a medical emergency department. Materials and methods: This is a prospective study carried out in the Emergency Reception-Triage Service of the CHU-MA Mahajanga, from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019. We recorded the socio-demographic data of the patients as well as the characteristics pains. The variables were analyzed by SPSS 25.0 software. The frequency of painful patients admitted is estimated at 43.5%. The Results: pain has concerned mainly patients from 46 to 60 years old (27.33%), with an average age of 57 years of female gender (61.2%). The group working in the informal sector (65.5%) was the most affected. As for the reasons for admission, it was mainly acute pain (86.3%) due to an excess nociception (97.9%), dominated by medical pathologies with preponderance digestive pathologies (34.5%). Through this study, we were able to see that pain is the most common reason for entering the Conclusion: emergency room. According to our study, it predominates in people of age more advanced and the most frequent causes are medical pathologies.Acute painemergency medical serviceepidemiologic study.EPIDEMIOCLINICAL PROFILE OF PAIN IN EMERGENCY ROOM OF THE TEACHING HOSPITAL SOUTH MAHAVOKY MAHAJANGA MADAGASCARJournal ArticleIndiaEmergency Unit Teaching Hospital South Mahavoky MahajangaMedical-surgical Intensive Care Unit, Teaching Hospital Tambohobe Fianarantsoa - Madagascar *Corresponding AuthorIntensive Care Unit, Teaching Hospital Andohatapenaka Antananarivo – MadagascarDepartment of Anesthesia Resuscitation, Morafeno-Toamasina Teaching Hospital, Madagascar